Highland Village Apartments
845 Cleveland Ave S, St Paul, MN 55116
E-mail: info@highlandvillageapts.com
Interested in learning more about our apartments? Call us during office hours.
Monday - Friday, 8 - 5 (Wed. open until 7pm)
Saturday, 12 - 4.

Looking for a job?
See what we have to offer! Throughout the year, we hire seasonal workers to help out with our beautiful property!

From Downtown Minneapolis
Take 94 east to Cretin Ave. Go south on Cretin Ave until Ford Parkway. Go east on Ford Parkway until Cleveland Ave. Go south on Cleveland Ave for one block, Highland Village Apartments is on the right.
From Downtown St.Paul
Take 94 west to Cretin Ave. Go south on Cretin Ave until Ford Parkway. Go east on Ford Parkway until Cleveland Ave. Highland Village Apartments is one block south of Ford Parkway on Cleveland Ave.
From the South Metro
Take 494 to Highway 5, heading toward the airport. Take the Edgcumbe/River Blvd exit and stay to the right. Take a right on Shepard Road, which will immediately turn into Mississippi River Blvd. Take a right on Cleveland Ave. Highland Village is on Cleveland Ave one block south of Ford Parkway.